Fighting the claw – another mega Grizzly success

The weather Gods were kind and it was a cloudy, still day providing perfect running conditions for the 2000+ runners who took on the challenge of the Grizzly and Cub races on Sunday.  Biggest congratulations must go to new Race Directors, Andy West and Steve Haines for a brilliant first event under their guidance.

The race was started by five-time Olympian, Jo Pavey, with the runners heading straight onto the first of two gruelling stretches of pebble running. After that it was off up Castle Hill and onto Beer and, then, Branscombe and beyond and, for the Grizzly runners 20 miles of hills, bogs, river and more pebbles.  The Cub runners may be let off the bogs but it is still a tough 9-mile race.

All through the runners are supported by a huge team of volunteers from AVR and many other local community groups and charities; which is what makes the Grizzly such a special event for Seaton and East Devon.

First home in the Cub was Ritchie Durrant of Pure Endurance in an excellent 1:02.52.  Tenth finisher and first female was Olivia Carthew in 1:11.19.  First male 40 and first AVR was Lee Moran in 1:11.13 with first female AVR and 12th female overall, Laura Kerr in 1:27.20.  All the winners were awarded with a bottle of prosecco from Lyme Bay Wines, and a beautiful handcrafted plate made Gilly Humphreys.  Guy Sweetman from event sponsor, East Devon Sports Therapy Centre and John Barrington-Rowell, President of AVR, made the presentations.

In the full event Sam Kelly of Exmouth Harriers improved on last year’s runner-up to take the win in a brilliant 2:14.25. Molly Smith, once of this parish but now with Norfolk Gazelles took the first female spot in a superb 2:43.28 running her first ever Grizzly.  It was great to see four-time World Ironman Champion, Chrissie Wellington take on the Grizzly and finish an outstanding fourth female.

Matt Clist, in ninth sport following a sprint finish, was first AVR home in 2:29.02 while Emilie Brock scooped the first female AVR prize in 3:11.29.

During the race a memory tree is always provided on Branscombe beach for runners to pause and remember friends lost since the last event.  This year it took on special significance following the recent sudden death of Phil Bayliss, a founder member of both AVR and the Grizzly and long-term Grizzly committee member.  AVRs wore green ribbons in his memory reflecting his deep commitment to the environment and his legacy of encouraging the Grizzly to become a sustainable event as far as possible.

Big thanks must also go to Tescos, Leisure East Devon, East Devon Sports Therapy, Living Options and Seaton firefighters for all their support at the finish line.

On Saturday, hundreds of children had enjoyed some short Grizzly races of their own ably supported by lots of AVR members.

Full results to the Grizzly and Cub are here.

Supersize Seaton parkrun

It was the second biggest attendance ever at Seaton for the pre-Grizzly parkrun on Saturday.  An incredible 392 ran, jogged and walked the pebbles and Esplanade, many using it as a leg-turner for the big one on Sunday.  A huge number of Grizzly Tees were on show amongst the parkrunners.

Huge thanks to Honiton Running Club who took most of the volunteer roles in a take-over day and their latest Couch to 5K “graduates” completed their first parkrun so congratulations to all of them.

Craig Tiley and Roberta Wadsworth both nabbed PBs while AVR also provided most of the pacers who, as usual, did an incredible job especially with the big number of participants so thanks to Tim Sibley, Keith Agland, Vicki Wraight, Rob Collier, Cliff Marriott, Katharine Moran and Haydn Boehm.

Over at Cranbrook Country parkrun, Ellie Dominey was first finisher in 20:16.

All AVR parkrun results can be found here.