Village people

Four AVRs took a bank holiday trip into Somerset for the annual Baltonsborough five-mile race which is part of the local Village Show.  The road race, which starts and finishes in the village south of Glastonbury, takes place on undulating country lanes.

First AVR home in 34th was Simon McClellan in 34:31, just five seconds ahead of Karen Eyre who was 36th, a superb fifth female and first F45 finishing in 34:36.  Ian Kinnersley finished in 36:33 (57th) with Eleanor Wood in 38:03 (75th) and first F65.  More than 170 enjoyed the race and lovely conditions.

Bank Holiday Bonanza in Seaton

There was a huge turnout of more than 50 AVRs for the latest Bank Holiday 10k time trial which starts in Colyford running through the Wetlands to the Esplanade then up to Axmouth and back to finish just after the final turn at the Hideaway.  Conditions were good although there was a head wind for the runners to face.  This was the final chance to earn points from this event for the 2024 Club Challenge.

Matt Clist ensured another 100 points were coming his way with a big win finishing in 35:12, amazingly identical to his May time despite never wearing a watch!  He should be a shoe-in to win the naked run!

Full results


Glorious Golden Cap

Tony Smith was the sole AVR at this beautiful off road run on Sunday starting at the Old Radar Station on Stonebarrow.  It is a 10k run over Golden Cap purely to enjoy the views, self-timed and organised by the National Trust taking place on the third Sunday of each month during the summer with September and October the final two events in 2024.  A 5k option avoiding Golden Cap is also available.

Seaton parkrun and beyond

Conditions have rarely been quite so wretched at Seaton as on Saturday and, yet, still nearly 250 completed the parkrun in torrential rain.  Huge thanks to all the volunteers who stood and cheered despite the heavy rain.  Congratulations and thanks to AVR’s chair, Haydn Boehm, who celebrated his 100th volunteer stint in his usual quiet unassuming way as Run Director. First finisher in an excellent PB was Ritchie Durrant in 16:37. Debbie Whiston was second female in 20:34 with Terry Emmett third finisher in 18:10.  Shirley Goy nabbed another PB in 32:53.

Out on the road, Simon and Bec Davey, secured their J at Jubilee parkrun in Northumberland while Jon Day and Paul Johns continued their tour of south-west parkruns at Upton House in Poole.  But prize for the furthest event this week goes to Andrew Snook who completed Downsview parkrun in Toronto, Canada!