AVRs excel at Seaton parkrun’s 5th Birthday

On Saturday first to finish and more than a minute ahead of anyone else was Innes Fitzgerald in a staggering 17.39 just outside the female course record that she set herself last month.  She was also top on age grade with her 87.82%.  First AVR home was Joel Seward in 19:17.  Carol Austin the co-event director for Seaton celebrated the fifth anniversary by finishing fifth female and second on age grade with 78.28%.  Paul Lloyd completed his 100th parkrun and Sam Miller her 50th so we look forward to seeing some new milestone Tees soon.  These popular T-shirts are now also available for volunteering – 25, 50, 100 and 250 times. There were five AVRs who ran personal bests yesterday:  Claire Warner 26.42 who was also third on age grade in 77.09%; Ben Mullane in 27.47; Mandy Harris in 27.57; Pam Goddard in 31.40 and Kathryn Thompson in 35.31.

Very Busy Weekends for AVR

Graham and Diane Newton both qualified for the England v Celtic 2020 Masters Half Marathon team.  Unfortunately, like so many things last year due to covid, it was postponed.  But finally last weekend the event took place at the Richmond Runfest.  For Diane it was the first time she had donned her prized England kit, although Graham has previously represented England in both the Half Marathon and Marathon distance. The race started at Kew, wending its way around the famous gardens before heading out along the Thames footpath and ending in Richmond Deer Park. Going out with the elite at the head over 2,000 runners on what turned out to be a very hot and sunny day, Graham finished as 3rd MV70 in1:41:05 and Diane finished 5th FV70 in 2:35:26.
Graham also ran the Sundowner 5k event the night before the half marathon, and finished in 21st place overall and first MV70 in an amazing 21.55.

Tim Lenton and Patrick Devine-Wright took part in the annual Black Mountains fell race on Saturday. The race is quite a challenge, involving seventeen miles of tough mountain running with over 5,000ft of ascent. In hot conditions, Tim had a great run, coming in 3rd and first MV40. Patrick finished 13th and first MV50.

David Cooke ran 63.28s for 400m at the Yeovil Games on Sep 18th which is a new SW Vets AC record and it puts him 18th on the UK all time list for M65 400m.

Mendip AC hosted the Glastonbury Levels 10k road race, a pancake flat out and back course starting at Strode College in Street. This is a fast course and with ideal conditions there were PB’s a plenty. Joel Seward continues his amazing year finishing 11th in 34:51 a new PB. Next up the fast improving Richard Hardy, 12th in 35:50 and a new PB. Close behind was Rob Collier, 14th in 37:01 a new PB and 1st M50, he was followed closely by Matt Hewer in a season’s best coming 20th in 38:28. Louise Rawlings was doing her first road race 10k and despite pre race nerves was 174th in a very decent 58:20.

To qualify for the London Classics medal, participants must run the London Marathon, cycle RideLondon 100 and then swim the Swim Serpentine 2-mile event. To complete these challenges, Margaret Pearce and Alan Morbey travelled to London along with Caroline French for the Swim Serpentine 2 miler in the open water of the Serpentine in Hyde Park. In good conditions on a lovely sunny day, all three completed the course, Alan Morbey in 1:23:30, Caroline French 1:23:36 and Margaret Pearce 1:40:35, Margaret and Alan picking up their London Classics medals on completion. Other AVR swimmers were Fran Hodson taking 1:02:26 and Karl Hodson in 1:16:53.

Richard Jackson ran the Lundy Island Half Marathon finishing 56th out of 194 in 2:23:58. The fastest time and course record was set by Graham Bale of Plymstock RR in 1:43:37. Lundy Island race is hosted by Pure Trail Running and the course offers pristine wildlife entrusted tracks tended by the Landmark Trust. The route takes in all of the island’s landmarks including the North Lighthouse and undulating eastern & western clifftops. All entrants take the same 2 hour ferry crossing from Ilfracombe and endure the choppy but scenic ride to Lundy and all return on the same Ferry later in the day allowing plenty of time to enjoy the islands pub and scenic views once the race is completed.

Well done to Gemma Collier of Gloucester AC for winning the latest Seaton parkrun in 19:07, just pipping James Denne also of Gloucester AC by 1 second. Chris Swainson of Ramsbottom RC was 3rd in 19:22. The parkrun is not all about fast times, it is a run designed for everyone of any pace to get up and have a go at the 5K route each Saturday at 9:00am. See parkrun.org.uk for more info. Many people each week are first timers and they get a briefing at the start to help them on their way and ease nerves. You will be struck by the friendly atmosphere created not just by the runners, but also by the volunteer marshals and helpers who give their time freely each week. Go on – give it a go – you won’t regret it.

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