Same start location and time as Speed Monkeys. There are various options to short-cut Rob's route depending on who comes and how we feel :-)
Same start location and time as Speed Monkeys. There are various options to short-cut Rob's route depending on who comes and how we feel :-)
Kevin will lead a "Lamppost Interval Session". We will do a warm up jog to show the route and then run up and down Weycroft Avenue. The total run is […]
Every Saturday at 9am parkrun is a free, weekly, timed 5k run open to all - to walk, jog or run. There are also opportunities to volunteer to support the […]
Click here for full details. Do check the link before travelling as there are occasions when the run may be cancelled by the Run Director.
Click here for full details. Do check the link before travelling as there are occasions when the run may be cancelled by the Run Director.
Steve is leading a 6.6 mile multi-terrain from Seaton to Holyford Woods, Gatcombe Lane & return via Couch Hill. Meet 6pm at The Triangle, Junction Harepath Rd, Barnards Hill Rd […]
Same start location and time as Speed Monkeys.
Meet at 6.30pm at the Orchard Car Park, Beer Road, Seaton 5.5 mile on road run to Salters Lane and Wetlands. Route map for Orchard CP, Salters Lane, Wetlands by […]
Tonight will be an 8.7 mile hilly M/T run from Chantry Bridge, Colyton @ 18:30 Route map for Hilly Coly Loop From Chantry Bridge by Matthew Orsman on