Event Series Striders


Eleanor will lead an 11k road run loop to Axmouth from Seaton Cricket Club @ 18:30 Route map for Axmouth Circuit by Eleanor Wood on plotaroute.com

Event Series Speed Monkeys

Speed Monkeys

Tonight will be an 8. 6 mile M/T run following The Grizzly Cub route from Seaton Cricket Club @ 18:30 Route map for 8.6 Mile M/T Cubish Route by Rob Collier on plotaroute.com

Event Series Flying Carpets

Flying Carpets

Kevin will lead a road run over 3 local rivers totalling over 10k and 500ft ascent. Meet at All Saints Village Hall car park for a prompt 6:30 start, making sure you have lights and hi-viz clothing to see and be seen on the unlit country lanes. Sarah will lead a shorter similar route for […]

Event Series Intervals


Meet 1830 hours at Fisherman's Gap for an intervals session led by Carol. Session is 8 0r 12 x 400m with decreasing recoveries. Anyone marathon training could add a temp 2k in at HM pace beforehand.

Event Series Seaton parkrun

Seaton parkrun

Every Saturday at 9am parkrun is a free, weekly, timed 5k run open to all - to walk, jog or run. There are also opportunities to volunteer to support the event taking place. Click here to register. The nearest parkrun for most AVRs is at Seaton. Click here for course details. There are also other […]

Winchester 10k 2025

WINCHESTER 10K Sunday 23rd February 2025 | Winchester Guildhall  The Winchester 10km Road Race started back in 1983 as a 10-mile distance. The race adopted the popular 10km format in the late 1980's. The race will feature a 1 lap closed road route starting outside the historic Winchester Guildhall in The Broadway. The start is in front […]

Event Series Monday Mudlarks

Monday Mudlarks

Steve is leading a 6.4 mile multi-terrain from Beer to Branscombe & return via Margells Hill, Mare Lane. Meet 6pm in Peco Top Car Park, Mare Lane, Beer. Torches & Hi Viz mandatory. Route map for Beer To Branscombe & Return 3 by Steve Haines on plotaroute.com

Event Series 4-milers


A 4 mile road run around Seaton led by Sam from Seaton Cricket Club @ 18:30 Route map for 4 Milers 25/02/25 by sam summers on plotaroute.com

Event Series Coasters


Janette will lead a 5.2-mile road run from Seaton to Axmouth.  Meet outside Seaton Tram Station at 6:30 Route map for Tram - Around Axmouth 1 by Jan Mack on plotaroute.com

Event Series Striders


Eleanor will lead a 7.5 mile M/T run following the route of the Minster Challenge. Please meet at The Axe Valley Academy / Flamigo Pool car park in Axmister @ 18:30. Route map for Minster Challenge by Rob Collier on plotaroute.com

Event Series Mutts Nutts

Mutts Nutts

Meet at Orchard Car Park, Beer Road, Seaton for 6:30pm departure. On road 5.5 mile flat run to Colyford and back. Route map for Orchard CP, Front, Wetlands, Colyford, Scalwell by Dave Mutter on plotaroute.com