Event Series Seaton parkrun

Seaton parkrun

Every Saturday at 9am parkrun is a free, weekly, timed 5k run open to all - to walk, jog or run. There are also opportunities to volunteer to support the event taking place. Click here to register. The nearest parkrun for most AVRs is at Seaton. Click here for course details. There are also other […]

Slow and Dirty

The ‘Slow and Dirty’ could actually be better described as the Fast and Clean, as its a very level 19k race along the hard surface of an old railway line. So why the Name then?? A lesson in history is required… Our chosen route follows a branch line that ran from Bath to Bournemouth through […]

Event Series Monday Mudlarks

Monday Mudlarks

Steve is leading a 6.6 mile multi-terrain from Seaton to Holyford & return via Shells Lane & Wetlands. Meet 6pm at The Triangle, Junction Harepath Rd, Barnards Hill Rd & Homer Lane, Seaton. Torches & Hi VIz mandatory. Route map for Seaton, Holyford, Shells Lane, Wetlands by Steve Haines on plotaroute.com