Event Series 4-milers


A 4 mile road run led Sue Chambers from Seaton Cricket Club at 18:30 Route map for 11May2024 4 Miler by Susan Chambers on plotaroute.com

Event Series Roadsters


1830 hours Meet Seaton Cricket Club Richard will lead a 7m road run (with slightly shorter option) Seaton and Colyton. Route

Event Series Coasters


A circular 5 mile road run around Seaton including some hill reps on Durley Road and some Kenyan Hill reps. Starting from the green triangle on Harepath Road at the top of Elizabeth Road at 6:30pm. Lucy will lead.

Umbourne Ug Recce Run

Tonight various groups will be doing the Umbourne Ug Race route. There will be paces to suit all. Please meet at Umbourne Village Hall at 18:30 Route map for Umborne Ug 10k by Eleanor Wood on plotaroute.com

Event Series Flying Carpets

Flying Carpets

Kevin will lead a multiterrain run around All Saints. It's a total of 5.4 miles and about 550 ft of ascent. It's about 50:50 on- & off-road so trail shoes are probably best. Sarah will lead a shorter version of the same route. Meet at All Saints Village Hall for a prompt 6:30pm start. Route […]

Bude Lifeboat Run

Bude Lifeboat Run and Junior Run will be on Wednesday evening 12th June 2024. Entries will be online only. Postal entries will no longer be accepted. ​The Bude Lifeboat Run comprises a 6-mile Senior Race and two 1-mile Junior Races. All finishers receive a memento.  Prizes to individual, age category and team category winners. ​Showers, Bar, […]

Event Series Yeovilton 5K Summer Series

YTRRC Yeovilton 5K Summer Series

YTRRC Yeovilton 5k Summer Series 3 of 6 A fast flat course with personal best potential. See website for a map of the course at www.yeoviltownrrc.com. Full refreshments available before and after at Race HQ. Water at the Finish line. Races held on the second Wednesday of each month, held between April and September, registration from 6 […]

Event Series Intervals


1830 hours Meet warmed up at Seaton Cricket Club for an intervals session led by Carol Drills 3 * 1 min (30 sec rec) 2 min (60) 3 min  (3 min jog between sets) followed by 8 /10/ 12 x 200m reps  

Coastal Dash 4m

The Coastal Dash is an approximately 4-mile, multi-terrain running race which includes sandy beach, sea wall and coastal footpath. It starts at Dawlish Warren, beginning with an out and back section along the beach. Once off the beach participants head towards Dawlish along the sea wall, cross the footbridge over the railway line and then […]

Event Series Seaton parkrun

Seaton parkrun

Every Saturday at 9am parkrun is a free, weekly, timed 5k run open to all - to walk, jog or run. There are also opportunities to volunteer to support the event taking place. Click here to register. The nearest parkrun for most AVRs is at Seaton. Click here for course details. There are also other […]