If we haven’t answered your question below, please check the Race Information Race Info. document which contains more detailed information.

Q: How slowly can I complete the race? Can I walk part of the race?

A: The Grizzly and Cub races are running races and you will be required to run the majority of the route and must maintain an average of 19 minute/mile or you will not make the Shortcut & cut-off points Cut Off times . These will be strictly enforced by dedicated marshals on both routes (and anyone failing to follow any race officials’ instructions to cut-off or withdraw from the race will have their race number taken from them, will no longer be insured and will effectively be trespassing on private land). The purpose of these cut-offs is;

  1. To minimise the time marshals are kept out on the course, sometimes in inclement weather, & therefore ensuring the good will of our marshals is maintained without which we could not hold this iconic event safely for you the runner.
  2. To ensure runners are not still out on the course after 5pm when the public roads have to be reopened in line with our traffic regulation orders.
  3. To protect the safety of runners and other footpath users by ensuring congestion on the narrow parts of the course is kept to a minimum.

To get a taste of what to expect view this 18-minute video.

Q: What type of running surface is the race on?

A: The Grizzly is a very tough multi terrain race. The course is uneven with big hills, some steep and/or slippery. The course uses sections of the South West Coast path which are close to sheer drops in places, we make every effort to ensure your safety at these points but extra care and attention is essential. The course will be very muddy in places – you may struggle for grip in some places so trail shoes with tread are recommended and take care, especially on the steep downhill sections.

Q: Do you hold a waiting list?

A: We don’t operate a waiting or mailing list but we do allow change of runners so please keep an eye on the Grizzly 2025 Facebook page for runners who can no longer run the race. In previous years we have found that most runners who didn’t initially receive a place are able to get a place this way. Change of runners must register the change here

Q: I have been offered a place on social media, how do I check it is a genuine place?.

A: Please contact us at grizzlyenqs@gmail.com with the details of the seller and we will check our records.

Q: Will hoodies, buffs etc be on sale?

A: Grizzly merchandise will be on sale at the Gateway.

Q: Will there be T shirts and medals for finishers?

A: Grizzly medals will be given to all finishers. We no longer give out race shirts but they will be available to purchase from our suppliers (further details to follow)

Q: Is water available on the course?

A: We provide 8 water stations on the course but we do not provide cups, so please bring a suitable container.

Q: Do you provide medical support?

A: We employ professional medical support who will be positioned around the course. A medical centre with a doctor is located near the start/finish line.

Q: Do I collect my race number on the day?

A: Race numbers are posted to you approximately 5/6weeks before the race. If you move before we send out the numbers please let us know.

Finally please remember the Grizzly is organised by a team of volunteers and is non-profit making. We do this on top of many other commitments – work, family, social or voluntary.