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Virtual Handicap 2021 Results So Far

The June version of the AVR 4K virtual handicap race was won by Sarah Whelan in 25m 20s, with Pam Goddard 2nd, 24:26; Caroline Wiseman 3rd, 26:51; Paula Cooke 4th, 25m 56s and Andrew Hartnell 5th, 19:13. The top five all broke their P,B for their own 4K route. Pam Goddard now leads the standings with 93 points with a close battle ensuing between the next three places. Sarah Whelan is 2nd on 86 points, Eleanor Wood 3rd, 85; and Shirley Salter 4th 84. Jon Day is 5th on 77 points. Thanks to Andrew Hartnell for organising this virtual event.

Actual Races!

Jon and Gill Day partook in the Honiton Sprint Triathlon which comprised of a 400m Swim, 20K Bike and a 5K Run. (The run this year was a bit short 2.7 miles not 3.10miles). This was their first Triathlon in nearly Two years due to Covid Restrictions and they both enjoyed getting back into competitive Triathlon racing. Jon finished 39th out of 107 competitors with a swim time of 9:37 mins, bike 37:32 and run 19:44. Gill was pleased with her 102nd place with a swim time of 12:51, bike time 49:39 and run 30:12. Many thanks to all the marshals and LM Events for taking over The Honiton Triathlon and keeping it going in these difficult times.

Cliff Marriott ran the Burrator 10K in 48:56 and was highly impressed with the scenic route which he described as “I might have still been in Devon but could have been Narnia”.

Ron Runs!

Ron Seward ran the “Egdon Easy”, a 10K over tarmac and gravel paths around Lodmore Park, Weymouth. Having been injured for the past couple of months restricting his training Ron was delighted to finish 1st in his age group 106th out of 327 finishers in 48min 59sec.