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With the Covid restrictions still in place the club was unable to hold an awards evening. However that minor detail wasn’t going to stop us!

Following a record number of nominations for awards the committee made their choices and presentations were then made at various AVR runs during December. These were filmed as best we could in sometimes dark, sometimes near hurricane conditions with Amie and James Sibley – the new film producers extraordinaire – putting together a brilliant video, premiered last week on YouTube. For anyone who hasn’t had the chance to see it yet – view it here.

For the record here are the winners:

  • MALE RUNNER OF THE YEAR – joint winners Jeremy Slade and Joel Seward

Jeremy for his incredible comeback from serious illness and his unselfish support for other runners in particular seeking out those who may have lost their mojo.

Joel for his brilliant times during lockdowns and diligence and determination with his training runs.

  • FEMALE RUNNER OF THE YEAR – Sue Hayes for being the first female home in the Grizzly and first UK finisher in W45 category at the World Half Marathon
  • MOST IMPROVED MALE – Shaun Vinnicombe including completing his first (virtual) London marathon
  • MOST IMPROVED FEMALE – Natalie McNeice who has gone from strength to strength following her graduation from the first Couch to 5k last year
  • FOUNDER’S TROPHY – Andrew Hartnell who stepped forward to organise the virtual monthly handicap
  • PRESIDENT’S SHIELD – David Cooke for his M65 UK top ranking in the 200m.
  • TEAM – noted this was the hardest to separate but eventually went to the “Grizzly TuTu Gang” who epitomise everything good about teamwork, the club and the Grizzly by supporting each other through the gruelling race
  • CLUB PERSON – Rob Collier for all his support to the club during the Covid crisis enabling us to get running again as well as his individual achievements notably his 2:53.33 virtual London marathon
  • CHAIR’s AWARD – Mandy Harris for all she has done to support us through Covid as well as working in an ICU in the thick of it all
  • HONORARY LIFE MEMBER – Jake Smith who made his senior debut for GB & NI at the World Half Marathon finishing second European in 60:31 placing him third on the UK all time rankings
  • SPECIAL AWARD – Tony Smith for his three years as Race Director of the Grizzly
  • HANDICAP –First: Bob Carter  Second: Richard Matthews  Third: Vicki Wraight
  • LESLEY’s LEMON – Bec Davey ‘for making the chair laugh out loud with her nomination of Tony Smith and Sam Miller for the team award – for producing Jake!” 

Lesley Adams, chair of AVR added “I’m very proud of what we have achieved this year and more than ever everything we have achieved has been down to a series of networks, relationships and friendships we have with each other. We have managed to look after each other during what has been and still is a very testing time for all of us. Please be proud of what you have done, however small, to keep on running and to encourage those around you to do the same.”


This year’s annual awards have had to take place in a very different, 2020 way.

Thank you to all who nominated – more than ever. The awards have now been presented over the last two weeks at the various groups and tonight we are delighted to launch our video of the awards.

A huge thank you to Amie Sibley for coordinating all the awards nominations and presentations and to James Sibley for putting together this virtual awards ceremony. Click here to enjoy it!

Green light to return to restricted activity

Following the government’s announcement that East Devon will be in Tier 2 from Wednesday 2 December, England Athletics has confirmed that this gives the green light to the return of organised club runs.

Runs will be organised in line with our Covid secure environment arrangements in the same way as prior to Lockdown 2.  Our plan can be found here

For social runs the “Rule of Six” applies.

Full details of the new guidance can be found here